Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ramp Challeng

Ramp Challenge

In this challenge we were asked to predict the acceleration of a ball rolling down a table that was inclined, we were also asked to predict the velocity of this ball at 4 seconds. After many trials we found the average of the position of the ball, at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 seconds to find as many points as posible without revealing the answer to the challenge.
 our data was the following:
Time              Position
 0.5s                  6cm
   1s                  20.5cm
1.5s                   35cm
2s                     56cm
2.5s                   81cm
3s                     105cm.

After doing this we found that the acceleration of the ball was constant, this created a top-opening parabola in excel.

To find the slope of this line we needed to square the value of T and since most velocity units are meters over seconds we divided our position by 100 to find the values in meters, giving us this chart.
As you can see in the chart, the slope of this graph, is 0.1157, and as we learnt in the classroom, the slope of an x vs t graph, is 1/2a, meaning that the acceleration of an object is double of the slope of it x vs t graph, giving us a constant acceleration of 0.2314m/s^2.

Because we have the graph that shows us position vs time, we were able to find the acceleration, giving us a velocity vs time formula that is v=a(t) giving us a velocity at 4 seconds of v=0.2314(4) v=0.9256m/s

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Unknown mass

Unknown Mass Challenge

In the picture above we can see an object with an unknown mass hanging from 2 ropes with different tensions and at different angles.

In this Free body diagram we see the forces and the components that affect this object, in this challenge we were asked to find the weight of the object. To do this we need to find FT1y and FT2y since all the forces in the Y axis need to be equal to 0.

To find these two forces you need Cos, and the strength of the original force (FT1, and FT2).

FT1y= Cos(20)= Adj

 Adj= 2.2 Cos(20)


FT2y= Cos(55) = Adj

Adj = Cos(55)

FT2y = 0.573N

FT2y + FT1y + Fg = 0N

Fg = 2.067 + 0.573
 Fg = 2.64 N 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Unit 2 blog post

Unit 2: Forces

Types of Forces

Gravity: Always goes down, vertical towards the center of the earth.
Push force: when an external force is pushing the object
Normal Force: always perpendicular to the surface.
Tension: Always along a rope.
Spring Force: when an object is pushed or pulled and in immediatly returns to its original state.
Force of Drag: also known as air resistance is the ammount of push an object going at high velocities  recieves from the air.
Friction: Parallel to the surface, oposing motion. NOT AFFECTED BY SURFACE AREA

Newton's first Law.

Newton had three laws of motion. His first law was demonstrated in the first class period that we went over this unit,  we used the gym floor as the our physics lab, we used a hovercraft to show how after an object was pushed if no other forces were applied it would not stop, at first this was a really big misunderstanding because the hovercraft was moving so most people thought that there had to be a force pushing to it. After a lot of discussion, we learnt Newton's first law, which says: "All objects at rest will stay at rest and all objects in motion will stay in motion unless an external force is applied". The hovercraft case is a perfect example for this law because the hovercraft will stay at rest unless someone pushes on it, and this motion will continue unless the hovercraft is stopped.

Free Body Diagrams

After we talked about forces we introduced a concept of a picture that shows what forces are being applied to an object.
Above you see 4 drawings all you might see is arrows and shapes, but this describes the type of motion an object is in, or if its accelerating, decreasing speed or changing direction. When forces are balanced (Arrows on opposite directions are congruent) means that an object is at rest or at constant velocity. when forces are unbalanced (Arrows not congruent) it can mean one of three things, that the object is speeding up, slowing down or changing directions. at some point the axis of the diagrams will be slanted, this means that the surface were the object is placed is slanted.

Weight Vs. Mass

 mass is what we usually see when we when we usually think about weight but it is the ammount of mass an object or a human has. Weight is this mass affected by the force of gravity.

Newton's 3rd law

Newton's 3rd law says that all actions have an equal and opposite reaction, these are called action reaction pairs, for example:
In this picture the kid is pushing on the ball but the ball is also pushing the kid back.

Connection to real life

when a baseball is thrown up, after it is released, there is only one force acting on it, gravity, contrary to popular beliefs there are no forces pushing this ball forward, only pushing it down, and it is causing the ball to change direction, it is not going in a perfectly straight line but going down.