Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unit One Summary

Unit One Summary

Constant Velocity Model

Velocity describes at what rate the object is moving, it is usually found by dividing displacement of an object over the time it took it to displace. Velocity is found as the slope in a position Vs. Time graph, objects can have positive or negative slopes, this only indicates direction, a negative slope means that the object is moving backwards, a positive means its moving forward.

Above is shown a positon Vs. time graph, there, velocity is shown as the slope of the graph, another way to show velocity is a velocity over time graph, in this graph, velocity is displayed on the Y-Axis.
In this case the object's velocity is constant and an object at rest is shown as a straight line on the X axis (Y=0)


Displacement is the change in position of an object in relation to its starting point, in a velocity Vs. Time graph, displacement can be found by multiplying the velocity of the object by the time it traveled at that velocity. On a Position Vs. Time graph, displacement is found by finding the difference on the Y-Axis, (final position-Initial position). Displacement is usually confused with distance covered, and that is not true, although some time distance is equal to displacement they are not the same, distance is the total distance covered and displacement is the change of position in relation to the origin.

Motion Map

Above is shown a motion map, motion maps are used to describe the motion of an object, as you can see there are small dots with arrows, each dot represents a second that has passed, and the arrow shows the direction in which the object is moving, and the lenght of the arrow shows a bigger or smaller velocity in relation to other arrows.

Speed is commonly confused with velocity, speed is how fast an object is going at a certain period of time, while velocity describes a change in position in relation to the origin.

Motion can be shown in many different ways, motion can be discribed as a change in position, increase velocity or even decrease velocity.

Connection to the real world.
This unit can be related to the real world, since we constantly see objects in motion or even we are in motion. Cars a prime example of this, they are usually at a constant velocity, they sometimes accelerate or decelerate but usually when they travel they mantain a constant velocity

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