Sunday, December 6, 2015

Unit 3:  Constant Acceleration


On a position versus time graph, velocity is not shown explicitly but, the velocity of an object in a graph with a constant acceleration can be determined by doing two things.

Slope of the tangent

Velocity is usually the slope of a x vs t graph, but when there is an acceleration the slope is not calculable. So, to find the instantaneous velocity can be find by calculating the slope of the tangent of the point.

Mathematic Expression

The second method is from a velocity vs time graph, when you find the acceleration of the object (Δv/time) you can use a mathematic formula to find the velocity at any given time. This formula is v=at+vi


Displacement can be found from two ways in a velocity vs time graph.

Area Under the Line

To find the displacement in a constant acceleration, velocity vs time graph you can calculate the area of the shapes under the line

Mathematical Expression

The other way is using the matemathical expression of the line to find the displacement. x=1/2at^2+vi


There are four ways to calculate acceleration

Slope of a v vs t graph.

Acceleration can be found as the slope in a v vs t graph as Δv/time

Rearrange formulas

Solving for acceleration in equations is another way to find it. Acceleration can be found by rearranging: x=1/2at^2+vi and v=at+vi.

Connection to Real World.

This unit, helps us understand acceleration of objects in the real world, objects like a skateboard going down the hill or a baseball being thrown.

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