Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fan Cart Post

CAPM: Final Challenge

Challenge: Predict the meeting place of the two carts, within 10% of error

The data wer recorded, helped us calculate the average acceleration of the cart using the motion sensor determined the velocity at a certain time (1/2 second intervals) and gave us a V vs T graph and as we know, the slope of the graph is equal to the acceleration of the object, and this helped us determine where would the two cars meet.

we recorded the acceleration of cart A and compared it to car E, and using the acceleration (equation of the line) we found the intersection and find where they collide.

Δx = (1/2) * a * (Δt)2 + Vit

Cart A:
Δx = (1/2) * (.1525) * (4)2 + (0)(4) = 

Cart B:
Δx = (1/2) * (.0213) * (2)2 + (0)(4) = 

We plugged in the equations in the calculator and it found the intersection and gave us the distance away from the origin where the cars would collide.

the intersection was 29 centimeters away from the origin. and after running the test we found out that we were 3 cm off.


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