Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Video Analysis

Video Analysis

This picture is taken after the ball had already completed its course and the marks represent the position of the ball every 1/2 second

This shows our Position vs time, the yellow line shows the position on the X axis and the blue line shows the ball's possition on the Y axis

This is our Velocity vs time graph the blue line shows x axis and yellow shows the y axis

the direction of the acceleration on the y axis is negative because the only force that is being exerted on the ball is Fg so its pushing down (negative direction)

The acceleration of the ball in the X axis is negative becasuse of the way we oriented our axis, if the ball is being thrown to the left (like in the video) the acceleration would be negative

the initial velocity in the y axis is about 3 m/s because that is the initial point of our data and the Vi in the x axis is about -4 m/s

final velocity in both is 0 m/s because the ball finishes at rest

the ball was in the air for around 1.3 secs


the horizontal acceleration is 0 because the forces are balanced on the x axis but on the y axis the acceleration should be around 10 m/s^2

formulas displacement y: x=1/2at^2+vit
formulas displacement x axis: x=vit

formulas velocity y: vf^2=vi^2+2ax
formulas velocity x axis:  vf^2=vi^2+2ax

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